January - ROUTINE


March - BUDGET

April - SELF

May - HOME


July - MIND

August - FOOD

September - CONNECTION

October - FUTURE PLANNING (2025)




Each month will have a specific INTENTION we are focusing on. To support you in that focus you’ll receive:

  • monthly workbook
  • weekly emails with tips and resources
  • casting prompts
  • twice a month live group calls (recording available)
  • Attempting Motherhood podcast episode with a guest who specialises in that month’s topic
  • access to a private group for peer support and sharing progress

*You will be emailed the workbook, prompts, live call schedule, and other information at the beginning of each month. This will help to keep the overwhelm low and the novelty and interest high. You will also get a weekly email with additional tips, resources, and a bit from me about my experience on the topic.


As I began to think about what I wanted 2024 to look like one word kept standing out to me- INTENTION.

Resolutions have never sat well with me, partially because I struggle with follow through (thanks ADHD) but also because they always seemed too stringent.

Instead of working against my AuDHD brain I want to begin to work with it. I assume you do as well, hence why you’re here.

While not exclusively for neurodivergent folks, this 12month guide has been developed for neurodivergent people who want to bring more INTENTION to areas of their life.

Above all else it will be manageable and accessible.

You will have the ability to be as involved as your capacity allows, or take breaks and reflect later if needed.

By setting a monthly intention we are harnessing hyperfocus and creating a deadline to work towards... but a short 4 week deadline so there’s the added sense of urgency.

Each month we’ll have a new topic, and as the year goes on we’ll work to cultivate more control and understanding in various areas of life - creating a more intentional life.


I’m Sam, an autistic - ADHD, elder millenial (36), stay at home mom and I’ve created INTENTION for people like me who want to begin to feel like the driver instead of the unwilling passenger in their life.

I’ve spent the last two years learning as much as I can about my unique wiring and how to make life more manageable as a neurodivergent mother. Now I want to pass that information on to you.

We will apply deliberate intention to various areas of life to curate and cultivate a fully rounded life.

Remember, this is your journey, and nothing changes over night. We need to put focused, meaningful attention on areas to be able to shape them into how we want for our life, not what we see others doing.